Failing time and again in the attempt to lose weight is no laughing matter. You might condemn yourself for being too lazy to lose weight or for your hefty eating or for allowing yourself to be so fat at the first place. True! Laziness and over eating are the root causes for being obese and lots of hard work, controlled diet and consistency are needed to shed all the pounds accumulated over the years. Not so long ago you saw your fat neighbor in a sport gear every morning and evening running up and down the lane but few weeks later she totally stopped and was back to her fat as ever self. But before pointing a finger at her let me tell you one thing which is vital and needed for those who are about to undertake a weight loss program. The ultimate goal of every weight loss program is of course to lose weight without any doubt but the important thing is how to achieve that goal. Weight loss is a continuous task that requires a lot of patience and motivation. One may succumb to old habits in the absence of any of the two. The next question is 'how can we stay motivated'. Well, one of the best options is by having a supportive partner who can motivate you and who can under take the same weight loss program with you. When you are alone you feel helpless sometimes especially when the going gets tough. There are times you want to just give up as you cannot resist the food laid down before you or when your exercises are not bringing you instant results. You feel so disheartened that you end up consoling yourself by eating ice creams, chocolates and junk food. Therefore, a partner who checks on your activity, who will keep you on toes, who will motivate you and someone with whom you can talk out all your sadness is important. Many fat people are following the famous and expensive weigh loss programs like the famous Atkins diet, Mayo clinic diet, Bob Greene's diet or even the popular South beach diet and take the ever effective diet pills but in spite of spending fortunes on these weight loss plans and weight loss diet pill, they do not get the desired results. They think they will shed the fats in no time if they buy xenical or phentermine as with these magical diet pills they will acquire lean and thin figures just like their role models. However, diet pill works only if it is accompanied by proper diet and exercise. Also as our metabolism is not the same, the way we lose fats is also not the same. So, many people discontinue their weight loss program mid-way when they do not get the expected results in a short time. Therefore, if you have someone with whom you can take exercise and follow the diet plans together, you will become dedicated and regular and will hesitate to cheat on your eating and work outs as you know that someone is keeping a check on you. Besides you both can motivate each other, share all your worries and problems and listen to each other. The most important of all you do not give up mid-way, so, get an exercise partner if you want to be successful in your weight loss this time. 24-Hour Processing - We handle and process Your deca durabolin or sustanon within 24.Competitive Prices - We offer some of the most competitive prices for deca durabolin, sustanon, dianabol... Extensive Customer Service - We offer comprehensive order support and customer service with full feedback and support throughout ordering and receiving.Special Prices And Discounts - We offer special prices and discounts for all large quantity purchases -see special offer section for favorites deca durabolin, sustanon, dianabol... discounts.Wide Range Product Assortment - We offer a wide-ranging product inventory that includes best sellers deca durabolin, sustanon, dianabol and winstrol. Designed to meet all Your bodybuilding requirements. Deca Durabolin, Dianabol, Sustanon, Anadrol, Winstrol, ANABOLICS, Andriol, Arimidex, Primobolan, Clomid, Cytomel, Proviron, Testosterone, Anavar Visit us |
Thursday, November 22, 2007
The Importance of Having an Exercise Partner !!!
The Famous Flex Magazine
Flex magazine covers the sport of bodybuilding and is perfect for a competitor or a fan of the sport. Flex closely examines the many facets involved in sport of men and women's bodybuilding including workout routines and nutritional discoveries and even sponsor stage bodybuilding events and competitions. There are also exclusive articles included in Flex such as the secrets of the champions, competitive tactics and strategies, and even how to manage a successful bodybuilding career. Flex also covers hardcore bodybuilders and shows readers how to add size and symmetry for the most amazing fast results. Flex also provides the readers with champion level workout routines, competition profiles, scientific nutrition updates, and competition coverage and results. You can count on every issue to be filled with useful information that covers training, training, and includes pictures that are sure to inspire you to get off your butt and rush to the local gym. Flex is undoubtedly the most accurate information filled bodybuilding and weight lifting magazine you can buy. All you need is the time and discipline to do what you need to do to get the results you desire. Not only will you be improving your appearance but you will all be much stronger. Flex is well worth the investment of time and money when because it will motivate you to go to the gym, watch what you are eating, and inspire you to stick to your workout plan. Many say that Flex helped them develop the discipline they needed to go the extra mile for self improvement. Flex magazine is well known as being the voice for the champions of the bodybuilding world and is a must have for any hard core body builders. Flex doesn't stop at simply explaining how to workout. Weight lifting breaks down muscle mass then when it rebuilds itself it grows larger. However, if you don't eat right and give your body the important nutrients it needs to make up for those that were lost during your exercising then you shouldn't expect your muscles to feel or look better. Flex discusses nutrition in depth with more details than everyone else. Flex strives to teach its readers the principles behind and training theories they teach which include details such as high reps and eight week arms programs. Each year Flex publishes a supplement guide and even rates every herb, protein, and hormone on the market. They also tell you what the purpose of each supplement is and how the body reacts to them. Flex will also discuss the important benefits and negative side effects to using anything they write about. The best part about Flex is that the articles inside clearly explain how the body works. There are qualified professionals who provide plenty of information on nutrition and supplement information and include many colorful inspiring pictures for men and women. What more could you ask for? 24-Hour Processing - We handle and process Your deca durabolin or sustanon within 24.Competitive Prices - We offer some of the most competitive prices for deca durabolin, sustanon, dianabol... Extensive Customer Service - We offer comprehensive order support and customer service with full feedback and support throughout ordering and receiving.Special Prices And Discounts - We offer special prices and discounts for all large quantity purchases -see special offer section for favorites deca durabolin, sustanon, dianabol... discounts.Wide Range Product Assortment - We offer a wide-ranging product inventory that includes best sellers deca durabolin, sustanon, dianabol and winstrol. Designed to meet all Your bodybuilding requirements. Deca Durabolin, Dianabol, Sustanon, Anadrol, Winstrol, ANABOLICS, Andriol, Arimidex, Primobolan, Clomid, Cytomel, Proviron, Testosterone, Anavar Visit us |
The 5 Best Biceps Building Exercises for Beginning Bodybuild
If you’re serious about building big, muscular biceps, then this is the list for you! But before I give you my Top 5 list for biceps-building success, let me explain my exercise selection criteria. First, the exercises on this list are simple and for beginners who need a solid foundation in biceps-building fundamentals in order to achieve long-term success from their workouts. While these exercises are simple, they’re not easy. Their simplicity lies in the intuitive benefits that come from each biceps-building movement and the fact that you can do these exercises with a minimal time commitment. But getting the most from these exercises will still require careful attention to training technique and workout variety – the 2 keys to biceps-building success that are not always easy for beginning bodybuilders. If you’re wondering whether you’re a beginning bodybuilder, here’s my general rule. You’re a beginner if you’ve been training your biceps once or twice per week for 6 months or less. You’re also a beginner if you been trying to build your biceps for more than 6 months with exercises other than those provided on my list. Why? Because if you haven’t mastered the biceps-building exercises listed in my Top 5, you’re not ready for the intermediate or advanced workout methods that you’ll eventually need to build truly Awesome Arms. Second, to make my Top 5 list, the equipment needed for each biceps-building exercise must be universally available. That means that you can do all of these exercises with dumbbells, an EZ-curl bar and a basic workout bench which you can find in any gym or health club. You can also do these exercises at home with a very small investment in this equipment for your home gym. There’s no need for fancy machines or trendy gimmicks here. Finally, each of my Top 5 biceps-building exercises will help you to simultaneously build mass, shape and power in your biceps, triceps and forearms. These muscle areas are directly targeted during each exercise to maximize growth and efficiency from your workouts. Now that I’ve told you how I created my list, here are the Top 5 exercises for building the big, muscular biceps that you desire! They’re not listed in any particular order, so there’s no reason to think that one particular exercise is better than another. You must decide what works best for you through experimentation with each exercise. But rest assured that any biceps-building program that includes all of these exercises will definitely add inches, symmetry and power to your GUNS. 1. EZ Bar Preacher Curls The EZ bar preacher curl is one of my all time favorite biceps exercises. The preacher bench is a terrific training tool as it forces the biceps to work in relative isolation from the back and shoulders. Unlike standing barbell curls which usually involve biceps-cheating torso swing, preacher curls keep your arms at an angle that forces your biceps to provide the leverage needed to lift the weight. The EZ curl bar offers both narrow-grip and wide-grip hand positions. When you use the narrow grip, your hands are in a semi-neutral position and therefore increase involvement of the brachioradialis in the curling motion. If you have no experience with preacher curls, you should probably begin with the narrow-grip position. As you become more experienced with this exercise you should move to the wider grip as it forces supination or a “palms up” positioning of your hands. Since the biceps function primarily as a hand-supinator, the more you supinate your hands the more resistance you will place on your biceps. If you’ve got the potential to build biceps peaks, EZ bar preacher curls will certainly tap that potential. 2. Standing EZ Bar Curls As an alternative to the EZ bar preacher curl, standing EZ bar curls with back support are a great biceps builder. When performed while standing with your back leaning slightly against a wall, standing EZ bar curls force your biceps to lift the weight without the wasteful torso swing that will cheat your biceps of the benefits of this exercise. As mentioned previously, the EZ curl bar has narrow and wide hand-grip positions. If you have no experience with EZ bar curls, you should probably begin with the narrow-grip position. With increased experience in this exercise you should use the wide-grip position to supinate your hands and increase the workload on your biceps. 3. Dumbbell Preacher Curls The dumbbell preacher curl is another one of my favorite biceps builders. This exercise really allows you to make the mind-body connection so essential to biceps-building success. While many competitive bodybuilders use this exercise exclusively as a “shaper” during pre-contest training, the dumbbell preacher curl also works as a tremendous mass builder when used in a pyramid cycle. In fact, this exercise is the best high intensity bodybuilding movement for simultaneously adding size and shape to your biceps. 4. Concentration Curls As the name suggests, this exercise places concentrated resistance on the biceps when performed properly. Besides building your biceps, this exercise also stresses and develops the brachialis. The brachialis is a true forearm flexor. It originates on the lower anterior surface of the humerus, ends on the anterior surface of the coronoid process of the ulna (the large bone on the inside of the forearm) and is visible on the outside of the upper arm between the biceps and the lateral head of the triceps. Development of the brachialis and biceps gives the front of your upper arms that thick, dense look that says “mess with me at your own risk!!” 5. Seated Alternating Dumbbell Curls This exercise is one of the best biceps builders ever as long as you sit on a bench that has a back rest to prevent torso movement. Too many people do this exercise either standing or sitting on a bench without back support. In order to make sure that your biceps get the most work from this movement you must stabilize your torso so as to prevent any jerking motion. Also, remember to supinate your hands throughout each repetition to stimulate maximum growth for your biceps. So, there you have it – my Top 5 list of biceps-building exercises for beginning bodybuilders. Try them, have fun with them, and make sure that you use safe amounts of weight and proper training technique with every exercise. 24-Hour Processing - We handle and process Your deca durabolin or sustanon within 24.Competitive Prices - We offer some of the most competitive prices for deca durabolin, sustanon, dianabol... Extensive Customer Service - We offer comprehensive order support and customer service with full feedback and support throughout ordering and receiving.Special Prices And Discounts - We offer special prices and discounts for all large quantity purchases -see special offer section for favorites deca durabolin, sustanon, dianabol... discounts.Wide Range Product Assortment - We offer a wide-ranging product inventory that includes best sellers deca durabolin, sustanon, dianabol and winstrol. Designed to meet all Your bodybuilding requirements. Deca Durabolin, Dianabol, Sustanon, Anadrol, Winstrol, ANABOLICS, Andriol, Arimidex, Primobolan, Clomid, Cytomel, Proviron, Testosterone, Anavar Visit us |
The 5 Best Biceps Building Exercises for Beginning Bodybuild
If you’re serious about building big, muscular biceps, then this is the list for you! But before I give you my Top 5 list for biceps-building success, let me explain my exercise selection criteria. First, the exercises on this list are simple and for beginners who need a solid foundation in biceps-building fundamentals in order to achieve long-term success from their workouts. While these exercises are simple, they’re not easy. Their simplicity lies in the intuitive benefits that come from each biceps-building movement and the fact that you can do these exercises with a minimal time commitment. But getting the most from these exercises will still require careful attention to training technique and workout variety – the 2 keys to biceps-building success that are not always easy for beginning bodybuilders. If you’re wondering whether you’re a beginning bodybuilder, here’s my general rule. You’re a beginner if you’ve been training your biceps once or twice per week for 6 months or less. You’re also a beginner if you been trying to build your biceps for more than 6 months with exercises other than those provided on my list. Why? Because if you haven’t mastered the biceps-building exercises listed in my Top 5, you’re not ready for the intermediate or advanced workout methods that you’ll eventually need to build truly Awesome Arms. Second, to make my Top 5 list, the equipment needed for each biceps-building exercise must be universally available. That means that you can do all of these exercises with dumbbells, an EZ-curl bar and a basic workout bench which you can find in any gym or health club. You can also do these exercises at home with a very small investment in this equipment for your home gym. There’s no need for fancy machines or trendy gimmicks here. Finally, each of my Top 5 biceps-building exercises will help you to simultaneously build mass, shape and power in your biceps, triceps and forearms. These muscle areas are directly targeted during each exercise to maximize growth and efficiency from your workouts. Now that I’ve told you how I created my list, here are the Top 5 exercises for building the big, muscular biceps that you desire! They’re not listed in any particular order, so there’s no reason to think that one particular exercise is better than another. You must decide what works best for you through experimentation with each exercise. But rest assured that any biceps-building program that includes all of these exercises will definitely add inches, symmetry and power to your GUNS. 1. EZ Bar Preacher Curls The EZ bar preacher curl is one of my all time favorite biceps exercises. The preacher bench is a terrific training tool as it forces the biceps to work in relative isolation from the back and shoulders. Unlike standing barbell curls which usually involve biceps-cheating torso swing, preacher curls keep your arms at an angle that forces your biceps to provide the leverage needed to lift the weight. The EZ curl bar offers both narrow-grip and wide-grip hand positions. When you use the narrow grip, your hands are in a semi-neutral position and therefore increase involvement of the brachioradialis in the curling motion. If you have no experience with preacher curls, you should probably begin with the narrow-grip position. As you become more experienced with this exercise you should move to the wider grip as it forces supination or a “palms up” positioning of your hands. Since the biceps function primarily as a hand-supinator, the more you supinate your hands the more resistance you will place on your biceps. If you’ve got the potential to build biceps peaks, EZ bar preacher curls will certainly tap that potential. 2. Standing EZ Bar Curls As an alternative to the EZ bar preacher curl, standing EZ bar curls with back support are a great biceps builder. When performed while standing with your back leaning slightly against a wall, standing EZ bar curls force your biceps to lift the weight without the wasteful torso swing that will cheat your biceps of the benefits of this exercise. As mentioned previously, the EZ curl bar has narrow and wide hand-grip positions. If you have no experience with EZ bar curls, you should probably begin with the narrow-grip position. With increased experience in this exercise you should use the wide-grip position to supinate your hands and increase the workload on your biceps. 3. Dumbbell Preacher Curls The dumbbell preacher curl is another one of my favorite biceps builders. This exercise really allows you to make the mind-body connection so essential to biceps-building success. While many competitive bodybuilders use this exercise exclusively as a “shaper” during pre-contest training, the dumbbell preacher curl also works as a tremendous mass builder when used in a pyramid cycle. In fact, this exercise is the best high intensity bodybuilding movement for simultaneously adding size and shape to your biceps. 4. Concentration Curls As the name suggests, this exercise places concentrated resistance on the biceps when performed properly. Besides building your biceps, this exercise also stresses and develops the brachialis. The brachialis is a true forearm flexor. It originates on the lower anterior surface of the humerus, ends on the anterior surface of the coronoid process of the ulna (the large bone on the inside of the forearm) and is visible on the outside of the upper arm between the biceps and the lateral head of the triceps. Development of the brachialis and biceps gives the front of your upper arms that thick, dense look that says “mess with me at your own risk!!” 5. Seated Alternating Dumbbell Curls This exercise is one of the best biceps builders ever as long as you sit on a bench that has a back rest to prevent torso movement. Too many people do this exercise either standing or sitting on a bench without back support. In order to make sure that your biceps get the most work from this movement you must stabilize your torso so as to prevent any jerking motion. Also, remember to supinate your hands throughout each repetition to stimulate maximum growth for your biceps. So, there you have it – my Top 5 list of biceps-building exercises for beginning bodybuilders. Try them, have fun with them, and make sure that you use safe amounts of weight and proper training technique with every exercise. 24-Hour Processing - We handle and process Your deca durabolin or sustanon within 24.Competitive Prices - We offer some of the most competitive prices for deca durabolin, sustanon, dianabol... Extensive Customer Service - We offer comprehensive order support and customer service with full feedback and support throughout ordering and receiving.Special Prices And Discounts - We offer special prices and discounts for all large quantity purchases -see special offer section for favorites deca durabolin, sustanon, dianabol... discounts.Wide Range Product Assortment - We offer a wide-ranging product inventory that includes best sellers deca durabolin, sustanon, dianabol and winstrol. Designed to meet all Your bodybuilding requirements. Deca Durabolin, Dianabol, Sustanon, Anadrol, Winstrol, ANABOLICS, Andriol, Arimidex, Primobolan, Clomid, Cytomel, Proviron, Testosterone, Anavar Visit us |
Supplement Review
So, you've figured out your diet. You're eating frequent small meals that are high in protein, whole grains and vegetables. Now, you'd like to add a few supplements to your diet. (Make sure your diet is rock solid before adding supplements—because a “supplement” is just that “an add on, not a base”). However, with so many supplements out there and a limited budget, how do you know what to purchase and what should be disregarded as marketing hype? Well, below is a list of supplements in order of importance: Daily Multivitamin A lot of people may overlook this supplement, but it is nonetheless the most important. Vitamins and minerals contained in multivitamins are essential to many functions of the human body. These include regulating hormones, metabolism, proper digestion, and immune functions. Whey Protein We know that a high protein diet is very helpful in gaining muscle and losing body fat. Whey protein is great post-workout because it enters the bloodstream the fastest when your muscles need that protein the most. On the other extreme, casein (which is found in diary products) is a slow release protein and is great before bed because you are not getting any nutrition during the seven to nine hours you're asleep. I would not recommend a casein or nighttime protein supplement though, because it would be much more cost effective to drink a glass of skim milk. Creatine If you are looking to get stronger, creatine will definitely help. It is used in muscle to store energy for explosive movements such as weight lifting. It enhances recovery and ATP (adenosine tri-phosphate is the primary energy currency of the body) replenishment, which will allow for the creation of an anabolic state in your body. The efficiency of creatine delivery is greatly increased if it is consumed with simple carbohydrates, which spike the insulin. In turn, insulin helps to deliver the creatine to your muscle where it can be used to hydrate and replenish ATP levels. I recommend five to ten grams post training with a generous serving of simple carbohydrates. Creatine should also be cycled (try eight weeks on, four weeks off) as oppose to protein which you can take continuously. Glutamine What is the most abundant amino acid in your muscles? That's right glutamine, and it supports protein synthesis and immune function, enhances recovery, glycogen & glutamine replenishment and reduces catabolism (muscle breakdown). Thermogenetics I personally do not take any of these supplements as I am an ectomorph. However, they do increase your base metabolic rate and help burn body fat. ZMA If you want to try it zinc magnesium aspirate, research has shown that it may aid in sleep and increase growth hormone. Many athletes are deficient in zinc and magnesium, and this supplement will help correct that issue. Other supplements Some other supplements you might consider include BCAAs (Branch Chain Amino Acids), essential fatty acids, and nitrous oxide. BCAAs are essential amino acids, however, I personally have not seen any improvement when supplementing with these. Essential Fatty Acids are healthy fats such as flax seed oil. I try to keep my diet high in fish, nuts, and olive oil, but you might consider this supplement as well. Lastly, I've heard mixed reviews about nitrous oxide (which supposedly gives you a better pump when lifting) but I have never tried it myself, so I can not attest to if it actually improves performance or not. Well, there you have it. In order of relative importance, these are the supplements you might think about taking after you've solidified a rock solid diet. 24-Hour Processing - We handle and process Your deca durabolin or sustanon within 24.Competitive Prices - We offer some of the most competitive prices for deca durabolin, sustanon, dianabol... Extensive Customer Service - We offer comprehensive order support and customer service with full feedback and support throughout ordering and receiving.Special Prices And Discounts - We offer special prices and discounts for all large quantity purchases -see special offer section for favorites deca durabolin, sustanon, dianabol... discounts.Wide Range Product Assortment - We offer a wide-ranging product inventory that includes best sellers deca durabolin, sustanon, dianabol and winstrol. Designed to meet all Your bodybuilding requirements. Deca Durabolin, Dianabol, Sustanon, Anadrol, Winstrol, ANABOLICS, Andriol, Arimidex, Primobolan, Clomid, Cytomel, Proviron, Testosterone, Anavar Visit us |
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Strength Training 10 Things you Must Know
Lets face it everybody knows that strength training builds muscle but did you know that it does more much more for you in the health stakes. Lets have a look at these strength training tips one by one and you will see what a difference this valuable tool will make to your general health: Weights Improve Immunity - Immune strength depends on the availability of the amino acid glutamine and your muscles have to supply the glutamine to your immune system in order for it to work. The more muscle you have the more abundant the glutamine supply, and other things being equal, the better your immune system works. Weights Grow Bone - A study at Stanford University showed clearly that about 20% of bone mineral density is dependent on maintaining muscle. A new study reported in February 2000 in the British Journal of Sports Medicine shows that even in elderly women, a one-year weight-training program increased their strength by 20-30%, with a significant increase in bone density. Weights Combat Diabetes - New studies published between 1995 and 2000 show that weight training has an unexpected benefit - it improves glucose tolerance in patients with Type 2 (adult-onset) diabetes. In one of these studies, post-menopausal women with diabetes followed a weight-training program for four months. Their glucose sensitivity to a challenge improved by an average of 29%. Weights Wack Arthritis - At Tufts University in the USA, researches gave patients with rheumatoid arthritis 10 weeks of high-intensity weight training. Results showed significant reductions in joint pain and fatigue and a big gain in strength. Results showed that the weight work caused a significant decline in arthritis activity. Weights Raise Testosterone - Did you know that strength training is one of the best exercises to raise testosterone levels in men and women! With strength training the levels of both testosterone and growth hormone rise dramatically. Since loss of strength and muscle mass are the prime causes of most age-related diseases a lifelong strength training program is one of the best insurance polices for a better quality of life for both men and women. Avoid Muscle Loss - although endurance exercise improves our cardiovascular fitness, it does not prevent the loss of muscle tissue. Only strength training maintains our muscle mass and strength throughout our mid-life years. After the age of 20 up to 1/2 pound of muscle tissue is lost per year in both males and females owing to the normal ageing process. By Strength Training once a week using all the major muscle groups until you are unable to push each exercise for another repetition, 3-4 exercises, and 15 -20 minutes max training time. Keep getting stronger, Smile, be positive and live life. Avoid Metabolic Rate Reduction - because muscle is very active tissue, muscle loss is accompanied by a reduction in our resting metabolism. Research indicates that an average adult experiences a 5% reduction in metabolic rate every decade of life. Only high intensity strength training performed once or twice a week with prescribed rest periods can avoid this. Increase Muscle Mass - because most adults do not perform strength exercise, they need to first replace the tissue that has been lost through inactivity. Fortunately research shows that a standard strength training program can increase muscle mass by about 4 kg or 10 lbs over a ten-week period. Increase Metabolic Rate - Research reveals that adding 10 lbs of muscle increases our resting metabolism by 7% and our daily calorie requirements by 15%. At rest, 2 lbs of muscle requires 77 calories per day for tissue maintenance and during exercise, muscle energy utilization increases dramatically. Adults who replace muscle through sensible strength exercise use more calories all day long thereby reducing the likelihood of fat accumulation. Reduce Body Fat - In a 1994 study, strength exercise produced 10 lbs of fat loss after two months of training, even though the subjects were eating 155 more calories per day. That is, a basic strength-training program resulted in 8 lbs more muscle, 10 lbs less fat and more calories per day food intake. Increase Bone Mineral Density - The effects of progressive resistance exercise are similar for muscle tissue and bone tissue. The same training stimulus that increases muscle strength also increases bone density and mineral content. A 1993 study demonstrated significant increases in the bone mineral density of the upper femur after four months of strength training. So, now you can go ahead with your strength training endeavours knowing that you will be experiencing all these benefits found in the above tips. 24-Hour Processing - We handle and process Your deca durabolin or sustanon within 24.Competitive Prices - We offer some of the most competitive prices for deca durabolin, sustanon, dianabol... Extensive Customer Service - We offer comprehensive order support and customer service with full feedback and support throughout ordering and receiving.Special Prices And Discounts - We offer special prices and discounts for all large quantity purchases -see special offer section for favorites deca durabolin, sustanon, dianabol... discounts.Wide Range Product Assortment - We offer a wide-ranging product inventory that includes best sellers deca durabolin, sustanon, dianabol and winstrol. Designed to meet all Your bodybuilding requirements. Deca Durabolin, Dianabol, Sustanon, Anadrol, Winstrol, ANABOLICS, Andriol, Arimidex, Primobolan, Clomid, Cytomel, Proviron, Testosterone, Anavar Visit us |
Stop Being Skinny!
If you’re anything like me the one thing you used to hate for girls to tell you was (or still is) “God, you’re really skinny” or “You’re really nice, but I think we’re better as friends” translation “I want a guy with arms.” It came to the point where I was ready to do anything to gain weight. At one time I thought I was just going to take steroids, but then I heard about that little problem… Three things changed for me. I found the most amazing muscle building program known to man, I changed my diet and I realized that it was time to stop worrying about the fact that I could only bench press the bar and two 10s on each side. It was time to start working out for me; to make me stronger, better looking and just more confident. The Workout The workout I found made a huge difference in my gains and took all the guesswork out of what would’ve been me shooting in the dark. The most important thing to do was to learn the basic laws of muscle growth. Ask yourself these questions. - Do I know what: - Compound lifts are? - Olympic lifts are? - Creatine is? - Isolation exercises? - Proper form in every exercise I will perform? - How much I should add per week? - How long I should work out? Now ask: Do I really want to get bigger, stronger and ripped? If you want to you’ve got to real options Get a personal trainer (and then throw some of that cash to the poor people) Or Find another suitable workout (try a diesel friend, sports coach or the internet) The Diet Once you’ve gotten the proper workout (hopefully for less than a new car) it’s time to add your diet in with it. When it comes right down to it no matter who is working with you or what exercises you’re doing you have to have a gain more calories than you burn!!!!! Translation: YOU’VE GOT TO EAT A TON! If you’re a really skinny person don’t worry about having a “clean diet” just eat more than you ever thought you could. I used to make it my goal to get kicked out of an All-You-Can-Eat Buffet at least once a week. It’s going to be hard at first, but it will help you gain! Just make sure you include a good workout so you don’t get fat… The Mentality The final and possibly most important thing is your mentality (aka attitude). You have to know that you’re going to get big. It makes no difference how much you’re lifting today, everybody starts somewhere. It’s up to you if you end there or if you go farther than you ever imagined you could. Make working out something you enjoy. Know that you’re sculpting your body and changing yourself for yourself and everything else will come. 24-Hour Processing - We handle and process Your deca durabolin or sustanon within 24.Competitive Prices - We offer some of the most competitive prices for deca durabolin, sustanon, dianabol... Extensive Customer Service - We offer comprehensive order support and customer service with full feedback and support throughout ordering and receiving.Special Prices And Discounts - We offer special prices and discounts for all large quantity purchases -see special offer section for favorites deca durabolin, sustanon, dianabol... discounts.Wide Range Product Assortment - We offer a wide-ranging product inventory that includes best sellers deca durabolin, sustanon, dianabol and winstrol. Designed to meet all Your bodybuilding requirements. Deca Durabolin, Dianabol, Sustanon, Anadrol, Winstrol, ANABOLICS, Andriol, Arimidex, Primobolan, Clomid, Cytomel, Proviron, Testosterone, Anavar Visit us |
Solutions to the Top 7 Workout Mistakes
There are numerous workout mistakes that hold people back from progressing in their weight loss and/or muscle building training programs. Some mistakes are quite scientific in nature, such as not getting enough proteins in your system after a workout, but most are as common sense as common sense gets. There’s no reason for these mistakes to be committed, yet we’re all guilty of making these mistakes from time to time, or even on a continual basis. In order to have a truly effective workout you need to understand the reasoning behind these mistakes and how you can correct them. Workout mistake 1: Not eating immediately after a workout Some people don’t take the time to ‘feed’ their muscles after a workout with the necessary protein and carbohydrates. You need to be taking in food within about 30 minutes after your workout to have the full effect. This window of opportunity means that you need a quick meal, something that doesn’t take long to prepare, making those protein and carb shakes the ideal post-workout meal. This will allow your body to recover quicker and help your muscles grow. Workout mistake 2: Training without a plan A lot of people train by going to a gym, lifting whatever weights are available, playing with whatever machine is available, and waiting for their favourite piece of equipment to become available. Doing this consistently is a complete waste of time. You need to develop goals as to why you want to workout, assess where you are now, and what plan of action will allow you to get to where you want to be. This will make your workouts more focused, and more effective. Workout mistake 3: Repeating the same workouts You don’t want to be repeating your workouts from one session to the next. You need to move your attention from your areas of strength to your weaker points, which means doing workouts that really challenge you. Make sure that you are continually improving after each workout, either by doing just one more rep, or adding a little more weight to the exercise, or doing an extra minute of cardio. Whatever it is make sure you are improving on your previous workout. Workout mistake 4: Training without intensity Some people tend to just coast through a workout; using light weights in low reps, low intensity cardio, and overall low intensity workouts. In order to make significant gains you need to train with intensity and push yourself to improve in each workout. Rather than relying on a long, steady cardio workout, try training in high intensity intervals. And instead of doing higher rep ranges with lighter weights, do lower rep ranges with more weights. The harder you train, the quicker you will see results. Workout mistake 5: Thinking you need to ‘feel the burn’ Some people think that to have an effective workout you need to feel that burn in your muscles. That burn is a result of lactic acid building up during the workout and may actually slow down muscle growth, not speed it up. It has nothing to do with muscle growth, and nothing to do with how hard you’re training. You can reduce lactic build-up by training in a rep range of 5-7 rather than higher rep ranges of 10 and above. Workout mistake 6: Comparing yourself to others Don’t compare yourself to the professional body builders or the professional athletes who train for hours every day. Comparing yourself to others lowers your self-esteem and confidence, making you frustrated and unhappy. Focus on your own goals, and the results you want to see in yourself through each of your workouts. Compare yourself to yourself yesterday, or yourself during the previous workout, and make sure that you are improving on what and who you were before today. Workout mistake 7: Making excuses for missing a workout We all have excuses, and we’ve all used them, but excuses get us absolutely nowhere. We don’t gain anything from using our excuses, and we certainly don’t grow from them, physically and mentally. Drop the excuses. Some people don’t see results immediately so they stop trying, others say it’s too hot or too cold, and still most say they don’t have enough time. You need to accept total and absolute responsibility for your life. If you’re not seeing results find out why, maybe you need to train with more intensity, maybe you’re not eating properly; find out why, and rectify the situation. If you feel you don’t have enough time to workout, decide to manage your time so that only activities that are essential to you consume your time, and taking care of your body is as essential as it gets. If you want to workout in the morning get out of bed an hour earlier, which means you go to sleep an hour earlier. Take responsibility for all of your actions and create the masterpiece of your life. The first step to rectifying any mistake in your training is identifying the mistake. Identify exactly what you’ve been doing incorrectly, learn from the mistake, and find out how you can correct the situation. The real mistake in training is knowing you’re making mistakes but doing nothing about it, and just repeating those same errors over and over again. Make significant progress in your training and you will be able to make significant progress in other areas of your life. 24-Hour Processing - We handle and process Your deca durabolin or sustanon within 24.Competitive Prices - We offer some of the most competitive prices for deca durabolin, sustanon, dianabol... Extensive Customer Service - We offer comprehensive order support and customer service with full feedback and support throughout ordering and receiving.Special Prices And Discounts - We offer special prices and discounts for all large quantity purchases -see special offer section for favorites deca durabolin, sustanon, dianabol... discounts.Wide Range Product Assortment - We offer a wide-ranging product inventory that includes best sellers deca durabolin, sustanon, dianabol and winstrol. Designed to meet all Your bodybuilding requirements. Deca Durabolin, Dianabol, Sustanon, Anadrol, Winstrol, ANABOLICS, Andriol, Arimidex, Primobolan, Clomid, Cytomel, Proviron, Testosterone, Anavar Visit us |
So you Want to Build Massive Muscles Fast
As the human body grows old, the balance between the fats and muscles revolutionize. After reaching the age of 25, people tend to lose as much as 5% of their muscles every decade. And if people will not try to maintain fitness, they will build up more fats than muscles. So the idea now is to learn how to lose weight and gain muscles instead. To help you out, here are some tips for losing weight and building muscle. 1. Exercise regularly If you want to tone down your muscles in a specific area and would want to lose those fats, it is still important that you undergo "overall conditioning" programs. In this way, you lose fats and build muscles evenly. Moreover, exercise should be on a regular basis. With a regular exercise, you can build lean body muscles and lose fatty tissues all at the same time. Hence, you do not lose those muscles and accumulate fats. 2. Count calories The only problem with caloric intake is that some health professionals have falsely created a concept regarding the control of caloric intake in order to lose weight. Losing weight is not all about control and restrictions but more on counting the amount of calories you have taken in. Besides, learning how to count calories will allow you to make better food choices. 3. Be realistic Building muscles and losing weight do not pose any difference when it comes to the required period to achieve good results. Losing weight and building muscles fast does not mean a month or two weight loss and body building program. It can be longer. Hence, do not be discouraged if you cannot see any results after working out for almost a month. Besides, perseverance really pays off. So if you really want to lose weight and build your muscles fast, use an effective strategy and the best work out program. If you think of fats and muscles, you will think of better ways how to lose and build them effectively. Try to keep these things in mind and you will definitely achieve the results that you want. 24-Hour Processing - We handle and process Your deca durabolin or sustanon within 24.Competitive Prices - We offer some of the most competitive prices for deca durabolin, sustanon, dianabol... Extensive Customer Service - We offer comprehensive order support and customer service with full feedback and support throughout ordering and receiving.Special Prices And Discounts - We offer special prices and discounts for all large quantity purchases -see special offer section for favorites deca durabolin, sustanon, dianabol... discounts.Wide Range Product Assortment - We offer a wide-ranging product inventory that includes best sellers deca durabolin, sustanon, dianabol and winstrol. Designed to meet all Your bodybuilding requirements. Deca Durabolin, Dianabol, Sustanon, Anadrol, Winstrol, ANABOLICS, Andriol, Arimidex, Primobolan, Clomid, Cytomel, Proviron, Testosterone, Anavar Visit us |
Simple Steps to a Weight Gaining and Muscle Building Diet
Many of us are on a lookout to find out ways and means of gaining weight, rather millions of dollars are spent each year on magazines, books, and weight gain supplements. Facts of gaining weight Right food which is rich in calories and protein combined with a regular weight-training regimen will help you accomplish your goals. If you are looking for the best weight gain supplement for you, take into account your diet and exercise routine before making a decision. Weight gain supplements can be very beneficial when used in conjunction with the proper diet and weight training routine. Never substitute a meal with a weight gain supplements as they are suppose to supplement your diet, not replace part of it. Make sure that your food is rich in protein, fats, vegetables, and carbohydrates, which are found in lean meats, poultry, fish and similar foods. Just so you know, a piece of chicken and a baked potato is always better than a shake, bar, or pill. Training with weights is necessary if you want to build new muscle tissue, and a weight gain supplement can be used after a workout, in between meals, or as a snack but should never replace a meal. Protein is essential to form new tissues so make sure that you include lean red meats, fish, poultry, and eggs in your diet which are excellent sources of protein. Several small meals per day containing large amounts of protein are crucial to your weight gaining effort. Avoid empty calories like sweets etc. Give your body the fuel it needs to add body mass and build new muscle tissue through the nutritious foods you eat at regular intervals during the day. If you are finding it difficult to stick to a weight gain diet, try eating five or six smaller meals per day instead of three large ones. Always be ascertained that your diet contains all the required elements and use weight gain supplements wisely. Follow the above steps and learn to intake nutritious food, which will not only increase your calorie intake but it should be also rich in protein. 24-Hour Processing - We handle and process Your deca durabolin or sustanon within 24.Competitive Prices - We offer some of the most competitive prices for deca durabolin, sustanon, dianabol... Extensive Customer Service - We offer comprehensive order support and customer service with full feedback and support throughout ordering and receiving.Special Prices And Discounts - We offer special prices and discounts for all large quantity purchases -see special offer section for favorites deca durabolin, sustanon, dianabol... discounts.Wide Range Product Assortment - We offer a wide-ranging product inventory that includes best sellers deca durabolin, sustanon, dianabol and winstrol. Designed to meet all Your bodybuilding requirements. Deca Durabolin, Dianabol, Sustanon, Anadrol, Winstrol, ANABOLICS, Andriol, Arimidex, Primobolan, Clomid, Cytomel, Proviron, Testosterone, Anavar Visit us |
Safe Weight Loss Plan
Obesity can be a desperate situation. It can have a negative impact on your self-confidence, health, and affect the way other people interact with you. All of these negative factors may tempt you to lose weight any way possible. In fact, some would say a desperate situation calls for a desperate solution. I would encourage you to use caution and avoid unsafe weight loss practices. Try To Avoid 1. Eating less than 800 calories a day. Some of the health risks from not getting enough calories include dehydration, headaches, fatigue, kidney infection, decreased metabolism, constipation, or even death. 2. Using weight loss devices that are not approved by your doctor for healthy weight loss. Some examples are devices that stimulate your muscles, sauna belts, and body wraps. 3. Buying weight loss pills online or using relatively new untested pills. Approve any weight loss pills with your doctor before using them. Make sure the pills sent to you are the ones you ordered. Learn the scientific name for the pills and do some research before you order them. 4. Exercising to the point that you feel sharp pains, dizziness, or extreme discomfort. Exercising very rigorously after years of inactivity. 5. Avoiding recommended daily nutrition. 6. Setting weight loss goals of 10 pounds per week. There are many other unsafe weight loss products, diets, and plans out there so make sure you always consult with your doctor when in doubt. The good news is you don’t need to risk your health to lose weight. A combination of eating healthy and exercising is always the best way to lose weight. Safe Weight Loss Plan 1. Learn how to keep track of your calories 2. Bake, poach, or grill instead of fry 3. Eat lean meats like fish, turkey, steak, and chicken 4. Drink water instead of beer or soda 5. Eat fruit for dessert 6. Learn basic nutrition from a food pyramid 7. Exercise daily 8. Cut down on fast food 9. Avoid saturated fats 10. Limit sugar and butter consumption 11. Set weight loss goals around 2 pounds per week 12. Eat breakfast and limit food consumption after dinner 24-Hour Processing - We handle and process Your deca durabolin or sustanon within 24.Competitive Prices - We offer some of the most competitive prices for deca durabolin, sustanon, dianabol... Extensive Customer Service - We offer comprehensive order support and customer service with full feedback and support throughout ordering and receiving.Special Prices And Discounts - We offer special prices and discounts for all large quantity purchases -see special offer section for favorites deca durabolin, sustanon, dianabol... discounts.Wide Range Product Assortment - We offer a wide-ranging product inventory that includes best sellers deca durabolin, sustanon, dianabol and winstrol. Designed to meet all Your bodybuilding requirements. Deca Durabolin, Dianabol, Sustanon, Anadrol, Winstrol, ANABOLICS, Andriol, Arimidex, Primobolan, Clomid, Cytomel, Proviron, Testosterone, Anavar Visit us |
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Safe Weight Loss Plan
Obesity can be a desperate situation. It can have a negative impact on your self-confidence, health, and affect the way other people interact with you. All of these negative factors may tempt you to lose weight any way possible. In fact, some would say a desperate situation calls for a desperate solution. I would encourage you to use caution and avoid unsafe weight loss practices. Try To Avoid 1. Eating less than 800 calories a day. Some of the health risks from not getting enough calories include dehydration, headaches, fatigue, kidney infection, decreased metabolism, constipation, or even death. 2. Using weight loss devices that are not approved by your doctor for healthy weight loss. Some examples are devices that stimulate your muscles, sauna belts, and body wraps. 3. Buying weight loss pills online or using relatively new untested pills. Approve any weight loss pills with your doctor before using them. Make sure the pills sent to you are the ones you ordered. Learn the scientific name for the pills and do some research before you order them. 4. Exercising to the point that you feel sharp pains, dizziness, or extreme discomfort. Exercising very rigorously after years of inactivity. 5. Avoiding recommended daily nutrition. 6. Setting weight loss goals of 10 pounds per week. There are many other unsafe weight loss products, diets, and plans out there so make sure you always consult with your doctor when in doubt. The good news is you don’t need to risk your health to lose weight. A combination of eating healthy and exercising is always the best way to lose weight. Safe Weight Loss Plan 1. Learn how to keep track of your calories 2. Bake, poach, or grill instead of fry 3. Eat lean meats like fish, turkey, steak, and chicken 4. Drink water instead of beer or soda 5. Eat fruit for dessert 6. Learn basic nutrition from a food pyramid 7. Exercise daily 8. Cut down on fast food 9. Avoid saturated fats 10. Limit sugar and butter consumption 11. Set weight loss goals around 2 pounds per week 12. Eat breakfast and limit food consumption after dinner 24-Hour Processing - We handle and process Your deca durabolin or sustanon within 24.Competitive Prices - We offer some of the most competitive prices for deca durabolin, sustanon, dianabol... Extensive Customer Service - We offer comprehensive order support and customer service with full feedback and support throughout ordering and receiving.Special Prices And Discounts - We offer special prices and discounts for all large quantity purchases -see special offer section for favorites deca durabolin, sustanon, dianabol... discounts.Wide Range Product Assortment - We offer a wide-ranging product inventory that includes best sellers deca durabolin, sustanon, dianabol and winstrol. Designed to meet all Your bodybuilding requirements. Deca Durabolin, Dianabol, Sustanon, Anadrol, Winstrol, ANABOLICS, Andriol, Arimidex, Primobolan, Clomid, Cytomel, Proviron, Testosterone, Anavar Visit us |
Protein in Body Building Recipes -Disadvantages of Excessive
Protein in Body Building Recipes - Disadvantages of Excessive Protein One of the most common misconceptions when making your body building recipes is that you have to considerably increase your protein intake to build up those muscles. Some people even go to extremes, such that their whole diet becomes composed purely of protein. As opposed to what most people believe, taking too much protein can give more harm to your body than good. Too much protein in your body building recipes can put a lot of stress on your body organs, specifically your kidneys. When you have too much protein in your body building recipes, your body produces a lot of ketones, which are toxic to the body. The kidneys then have to work harder to excrete the ketones out of the body. While your kidneys are working overtime to excrete the excess ketones, your body also loses water. If your body loses too much water, especially if you sweat a lot when you exercise, you can get dehydrated. Dehydration makes you lose electrolytes and result in weakness, dizziness, and occasionally arrhythmias. Good body building recipes are composed of a balance of carbohydrates, fats and protein in the diet. An important thing to remember when making your body building recipes is that you will not be able to increase your muscle mass by merely increasing your protein intake. It is also imperative that you increase your total caloric intake. While using your body building recipes, you will also have to increase your exercise level. A 1992 study revealed that if you increase both your protein and caloric intake but maintain your activity level, you will gain muscle mass, but you will also gain fat at the same time. When making your body building recipes, don't just follow the hype. Remember that to be able to build muscle mass, it is important to keep your body healthy and functioning effectively. 24-Hour Processing - We handle and process Your deca durabolin or sustanon within 24.Competitive Prices - We offer some of the most competitive prices for deca durabolin, sustanon, dianabol... Extensive Customer Service - We offer comprehensive order support and customer service with full feedback and support throughout ordering and receiving.Special Prices And Discounts - We offer special prices and discounts for all large quantity purchases -see special offer section for favorites deca durabolin, sustanon, dianabol... discounts.Wide Range Product Assortment - We offer a wide-ranging product inventory that includes best sellers deca durabolin, sustanon, dianabol and winstrol. Designed to meet all Your bodybuilding requirements. Deca Durabolin, Dianabol, Sustanon, Anadrol, Winstrol, ANABOLICS, Andriol, Arimidex, Primobolan, Clomid, Cytomel, Proviron, Testosterone, Anavar Visit us |
Preparing Baby Boomers for Athletic Competition
Preparing Baby Boomers for Athletic Competition – 3 Things you Must Know A few years ago I decided it would be fun to take part in Masters level track competition. I was a Discus thrower in high school and college but haven’t thrown in any competition since 1966! So I started training to get ready for competition once again. Boy did I have a rude awakening. A 60 year old body with an 18 year old mind is a dangerous combination. Yes, I thought I would simply do what I did before. Lift weights, spin, and throw. Well nature and time have changed all the body parts that go into Discus throwing and I am sure all the other sports activities that some folks our age want to do. We all hear about the weekend warriors spending time in the ER and then in rehab. Now I know why. Fortunately we have a son who is a Sports Medicine doctor and Osteopath who can treat and prescribe for me – not medications, but my conduct. His first prescription was to slow down. Most of the injuries I experience are due to overuse. We try to do too much, too soon, and too often. Secondly, he said our tendons and ligaments are much tighter and less flexible that when they were 18, so he prescribed a stretching routine that requires a lot of time – but really prepares me for training. And third, we simply don’t heal as quickly as we did years ago. So take it easy. His 3rd prescription, train for quality, not quantity. These were hard to get used to, since my memory bank was set at 1966 when stretching took 20 seconds and injuries healed over night. But, training for Sports competition has advanced so much in the past 40 years that preparation today is entirely different. What we did back in the old days would never get us any where today; I recommend that you find a couple of nice young trainers. One for flexibility like yoga, pilates, or ballet – I have a ballet instructor ( in 1966 I would never have even considered that!). And then find an expert in your chosen field of competition. So take it easy and enjoy the competition. Let me know how you are doing. 24-Hour Processing - We handle and process Your deca durabolin or sustanon within 24.Competitive Prices - We offer some of the most competitive prices for deca durabolin, sustanon, dianabol... Extensive Customer Service - We offer comprehensive order support and customer service with full feedback and support throughout ordering and receiving.Special Prices And Discounts - We offer special prices and discounts for all large quantity purchases -see special offer section for favorites deca durabolin, sustanon, dianabol... discounts.Wide Range Product Assortment - We offer a wide-ranging product inventory that includes best sellers deca durabolin, sustanon, dianabol and winstrol. Designed to meet all Your bodybuilding requirements. Deca Durabolin, Dianabol, Sustanon, Anadrol, Winstrol, ANABOLICS, Andriol, Arimidex, Primobolan, Clomid, Cytomel, Proviron, Testosterone, Anavar Visit us |
Powerful Exercises to Build your Muscles!!!
Today we’ll speak about 3 exercises to improove greatly your strenght and stamina! We’ll speak about squats, deadlifts and bench press! From wikipedia: The bench press is an open-chained form of free-weightlifting. The physical exercise is one of the three powerlifting events (with deadlift and squat), and also used in bodybuilding as a chest and triceps exercise requiring a great deal of stabilizers. It is intended for the development of the chest, or pectoral muscles, anterior deltoids, serratus anterior, but a variation exists for the triceps. So you see that one exercise involve so many muscles in the load. That’s why it is so important to do this exercise and with maximum possible weight. The better frequency to do this exercise is once a week. It is important for natural bodybuilder to have more time to recover than for a steriod mutant! The same situation with the last two exercises. They are extremely useful and involve all the muscular system of the whole body. So doing just three exercises we work over all the muscles. So there is no risk of overtraining! And you grow bigger and bigger! P.S. Why the muscles do not grow? There are two possible answers: 1) You do not obtain the positive muscular breakdown 2) Yo do not eat enough protein and carbohydrates That’s all! It is simple, but it is true, you should always keep it in your mind if you are going to be really big and strong ![]() 24-Hour Processing - We handle and process Your deca durabolin or sustanon within 24.Competitive Prices - We offer some of the most competitive prices for deca durabolin, sustanon, dianabol... Extensive Customer Service - We offer comprehensive order support and customer service with full feedback and support throughout ordering and receiving.Special Prices And Discounts - We offer special prices and discounts for all large quantity purchases -see special offer section for favorites deca durabolin, sustanon, dianabol... discounts.Wide Range Product Assortment - We offer a wide-ranging product inventory that includes best sellers deca durabolin, sustanon, dianabol and winstrol. Designed to meet all Your bodybuilding requirements. Deca Durabolin, Dianabol, Sustanon, Anadrol, Winstrol, ANABOLICS, Andriol, Arimidex, Primobolan, Clomid, Cytomel, Proviron, Testosterone, Anavar Visit us |
Portion Distortion Why Bigger Really Isn’t Better
Ah, the good life. Dining out, shopping for clothes, dining out, shopping for clothes, dining out, shop… wait a minute. Is there a pattern here? Americans are eating out more and more, and leading researchers say that’s a big part of why so many of us are overweight. The biggest part of that big part? Big portions! When we eat out, we are usually getting a portion of food that is double, or even three or four times the size of what is considered a normal serving. Many restaurant meals are upwards of 1,000 calories for a single meal! Remember what a big deal the Quarter Pounder was when it was introduced in the 1970s? Nowadays, it’s not surprising to see one-third and one-half pound burgers on a menu. And it’s not just at restaurants. Grocery stores, bakeries, delis, everywhere, the portions are simply ballooning. Remember when a muffin was roughly the size of a cupcake? Not any more! Yet researchers find, we’re still eating the whole thing, whatever the thing, without comprehending the alarming increase in our daily caloric intake. It’s not that restaurants and food producers are deliberately trying to make us fat. They’re just trying to protect their market share of your food dollars, and to do that, they look for ways to improve value and appeal for their consumers. Actual food ingredients are relatively cheap, compared to packaging, labor, rent, research, marketing, lobbying, advertising, and all the other expenses of bringing you that meal or snack. So from their end, it’s just good business to give you more and make you feel like you’re getting a deal. Everyone loves a bargain, and good value keeps us coming back. The regular old 7-11 soda grew into a Gulp, and then a Big Gulp and then a Super Gulp. The basic American hamburger and fries meal got supersized, then double-sized. But no matter how big they get, we keep eating whatever is served. With that much more food passing as a single meal, they might as well call it trouble-sized! Many of us were raised hearing the admonition to “clean that plate,” and we feel obligated to finish whatever is served, whether or not Mom is still watching. So take a plate full of way more food than we need, together with the training to eat more than we might even want, and you have a pretty reliable recipe for over-eating, and hence, weight gain. But perhaps the most important consequence of all the commercial supersizing is what it’s done to our perception of appropriate portions. As we get used to seeing those big portions when we eat out, we tend to recreate them in our home kitchens, so that even when we do our own cooking, we again serve ourselves more than we need, or even should have. Researchers found that of all the places where we’re getting bigger portions, fast food servings have grown the most, followed by those we dish up at home. Our sense of appropriate servings has simply been distorted. So what to do? When you’re at home, fill the plates from the stove and bring them to the table. Repeated studies have shown that if the food is within arm’s reach, we’ll eat it. But if we’ve got to go and get it, we are less likely to have more. And before you do go for seconds, just sit a few moments and let your body catch up. It takes about 30 minutes for the hormones that signal satiety to get the message from the stomach to the brain. When eating out, just imagine that every meal you order has a notation in the menu that says “serves two.” Decide how much you want to eat at the beginning of the meal, and before you even start, put the rest in that take-home container. And when you’ve had enough, stop. Being satisfied doesn’t mean feeling stuffed, and enjoying a good meal shouldn’t leave you uncomfortable afterwards. That mountain of mashed potatoes isn’t Mr. Everest, and you don’t have to eat it just “because it’s there.” And finally, whether you’re driving through, or sitting inside, or even ordering delivery, always resist the temptation to supersize. It may seem like a great bargain at the moment, but in the long run, you end up paying for the extra calories, not with those extra few cents, but with your health. THROUGH THICK & THIN Remind yourself that you don’t have to eat everything you’re served, even if your mother is with you. After being trained all our lives to “clean that plate,” this can be a tough one. But go ahead and ask for that doggie bag, or give yourself permission to just leave some of your dinner on the plate. 24-Hour Processing - We handle and process Your deca durabolin or sustanon within 24.Competitive Prices - We offer some of the most competitive prices for deca durabolin, sustanon, dianabol... Extensive Customer Service - We offer comprehensive order support and customer service with full feedback and support throughout ordering and receiving.Special Prices And Discounts - We offer special prices and discounts for all large quantity purchases -see special offer section for favorites deca durabolin, sustanon, dianabol... discounts.Wide Range Product Assortment - We offer a wide-ranging product inventory that includes best sellers deca durabolin, sustanon, dianabol and winstrol. Designed to meet all Your bodybuilding requirements. Deca Durabolin, Dianabol, Sustanon, Anadrol, Winstrol, ANABOLICS, Andriol, Arimidex, Primobolan, Clomid, Cytomel, Proviron, Testosterone, Anavar Visit us |
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